Payment is required first before I start the commission
If anything should happen and I cannot complete the commission, I will refund you your payment.
I reserve the right to decline any commission request without question.
I reserve the right to display commissioned pieces on my website(s) or DeviantART gallery (if requested an original character of yours, credit to you will be noted accordingly). If you do not want your commission displayed for whatever reason, please speak to me, I'm flexible.
Once a piece is commissioned, you may use it for any personal use that you please, including but not limited to icons, signatures, layouts, wallpapers, themes and personal site display, without being required to link me back or credit, though it's always appreciated. You may not however claim the work to be your own or set it up for redistribution.
Busts Starting at: Sketch: $80 Colored w/ simple background: $100 Extra characters: $50 each prices increase depending on complexity of character(s), or background
Half/ Upperbody Starting at: Sketch: $100 Colored w/ simple or cropped background: $120 Extra characters: +$60 each prices increase depending on complexity of character(s), or background
Fullbody Starting at: Sketch: $120 Colored w/ simple or cropped background: $140 Extra characters: +$70 each prices increase depending on complexity of character(s), or background
Scene / Illustration starting at: $350 *grey scale or full colored pieces w/ more detailed backgrounds Extra characters: +$80 each prices increase depending on complexity of character(s), or background